Happy Birthday Song – Download MP3


Happy Birthday song that everybody loves is available now for free to download on Hushlamb. Download in MP3 format to wish the happiest birthday to your dear one.

The Best Happy Birthday Song


Title: Happy Birthday Song
Artist: Huong Su
Genre: Traditional
Length: 0:31 Sec
Size: 381 KB

Happy Birthday Instrumental

Instrumental MP3

Artist: Muzaproduction
Genre: Funk Spot
Length: 0:48 Sec
Size: 375 KB

Birthday songs are a fun way to celebrate someone’s special day with music and show them how much you care about them. As a result, the birthday person will feel very happy and loved, and it’s a great way to kick off the party. Birthday songs come in all sorts of varieties, so you can choose one that the birthday person will enjoy. Ultimately, it’s just a matter of playing the song and having a good time!

Wish in other languages

Songs in these languages are coming soon, download links will be updated here:

  • Punjabi
  • Hindi
  • Telugu
  • Spanish
  • Japanese

Would you like to discover birthday music in many different languages? Then look no further than Hushlamb. We’ve curated a wide selection of music from around the world so that you can wish your friends in the language they most resonate with. From the soothing melodies of classical Indian music to the upbeat rhythms of Latin American pop, our platform has something for everyone to wish a happy birthday with. Our easy-to-use interface allows you to browse songs by language with a single click, music is available for online play or download, so you can play them live to wish anyone or download them to celebrate a birthday in a remote area.